The Spirits' Book

- The New Translation -
Observations regarding Organization Sponsorships
of the New Translation of The Spirits' Book
.Book price paid by all Sponsoring Organizations will always be cost of printing plus shipping, this will include eBook and audiobook.
.Book can only be sold to non-sponsoring organizations or the general public for a minimum price of - print cost plus 40% -
.Book can only be donated to other non-sponsoring organizations if to be distributed as donations by those non-sponsoring organizations. Single donations to individuals are permitted as long as to be used as study material and not for resell.
.Book cannot be sold online by Sponsoring Organizations unless price is the equal to or above the USSC online selling price to the general public.
.Organizations donating to the project after the fundraising deadline is passed will not be listed as an official Sponsoring Organization nor have their same benefits.
.Sponsorship does not give any organization the power to require the USSC to revise the translation. Only the USSC through its Board and Affiliated Member Organizations and through a process that will be put into place will have that power. 
.Sponsorship rights and responsibilities can only be altered by the majority of the USSC Affiliated Member Organizations during a General Assembly with the exception of the first and second items on this list.
.Neither the USSC Board or its General Assembly will ever have the right to pause or cancel the print of this translation.
.Represetatives of Sponsoring Organizations as well as the President of the USSC will sign an detailed legal agreement abiding by these terms.
.Names of Sponsoring Organizations will permanently be shown in a note a the beginning of the book even in the case of new revisions, format redesign and etc.